“The City of London Sinfonia played brilliantly for conductor Lada Valešová, evincing total commitment, a wide palette of colours and attentiveness to detail.”

Opera Today

“Conductor Lada Valesova gave a well paced and persuasive account of the score and the small group of twelve instrumentalists produced a musical web that allowed the singers space to flourish.”

Owen Davies | Plays to See

“ Lada Valesova, as both musical director and conductor, is also frequently on stage, and carries off her multiple roles with aplomb.”

The Herts Advertiser

“Conductor Lada Valešová communicates deep feeling for the light and shade of Tchaikovsky’s score, for its sorrowful sighing phrases and its whirling dances.”

The Sunday Times

“Lada Valešová skilfully delineates the different musical styles of the two works. Comedy on the Bridge is often darkly brooding with melodic lines that vividly come to the fore here, sustained quite heavily and pregnantly by the Royal Academy Sinfonia. The neoclassicism of Twice Alexander is delivered with levity and panache, drawing an apt contrast with the first half of the double bill. The neoclassicism of Twice Alexander is delivered with levity and panache, drawing an apt contrast with the first half of the double bill.”

Curtis Rogers | Classical Source

“In the pit, Lada Valešová led two fine orchestral performances, giving a particular leanness to Bridge’s already trim score and letting the orchestra veer into frothy delight in Alexandre bis.”


“Lada Valesova found all the colours in both scores, including some fine harp in the Cui and stretching to swanee whistle in Langer’s fun music.”

Keith Bruce | VoxCarnyx

“ The ensemble acted, sang and played the instruments and well done them. Czech conductor Lada Valešová added a serious, if still fun tone to proceedings. Her sometimes engaging with the action was dry, these little moments helped break down the show.” ****

Lada Valešová © Frances Marshall

“The directorial team of Adam Nichols, Julia Mintzer (Co-director) and Lada Valešová (Conductor and MD) must be congratulated for managing intensely rich content to achieve such a cohesive, well-oiled production over 2½ hours involving 15 performers playing multiple parts as well as 21 instruments (including spoons!). A remarkable team effort.”

“Lada Valešová brings out the melancholic beauty of Opera Holland Park Eugene Onegin.”

Seen and Heard-International

Lada Valešová © Frances Marshall

“The conductor, Lada Valešová, judges the balance with the City of London Sinfonia sklifully.”

Financial Times

“The production is phenomenal. The ensemble cast of thirteen actor-musos doesn’t have a single weak link and the attention to detail in each performance is notable. the production is phenomenal. The ensemble cast of thirteen actor-musos doesn’t have a single weak link and the attention to detail in each performance is notable.” ****

“…superbly directed by the Czech conductor Lada Valesova.”

Seen and Heard International

“Lada Valešová conducted the City of London Sinfonia in a carefully shaped performance, drawing wonderful colours and surprising heft from the reduced orchestra.”


“The players clearly respect her; beauty, predominantly of the melancholic kind, was everywhere.”

Seen and Heard International

“ Musically it is spot on, avoiding the pitfalls of some modern interpretations of jollifying the compositions.”

“The Czech-British conductor Lada Valešová drew superb playing from the chamber-size HGO Orchestra: textures were lucid, but the palette was ever warm.”

Claire Seymour | Opera Magazine

“The conductor, Lada Valešová, judges the balance with the City of London Sinfonia sklifully.

Financial Times

Lada Valešová © Frances Marshall
Lada Valešová © Frances Marshall

“Derek Clark’s reduced orchestration for twenty-two instruments is beautifully interpreted by conductor Lada Valesova, making her debut appearance at West Green.”

Mark Aspen

“Guest conductor Lada Valesova made an immediate impact with Prokofiev’s Overture on Hebrew Themes which prefaced with operas.”

The Herald

“In the pit Lada Valešová drew finely detailed playing from the City of London Sinfonia, her reagard for the work showing in care she lavished on every moment. This was a performance where Tchaikovsky’s orchestration counted for a lot.”

“City of London Sinfonia sumptuously conducted by Lada Valešová.

“City of London Sinfonia superbly conducted by Lada Valešová.

Lada Valešová © Frances Marshall